>_ terminalcolors

How to Change iTerm2 Color Scheme

Step 1 — Download a New iTerm2 Color Scheme

Here are some popular sources for iTerm2 color schemes:

Step 2 — Open the iTerm2 Settings Window

  1. Launch iTerm2 if it's not already running.
  2. Click on iTerm2 in the menu bar at the top of the screen and select Settings....

Step 3 — Import the Color Scheme

  1. Click the Profiles tab in the Settings window.
  2. Select the profile you want to update. (You can skip this step if you're using the default profile.)
  3. Click the Colors tab.
  4. Click the Color Presets... dropdown and select Import....
  5. Navigate to the location of your downloaded color scheme, select it, and click Open.

Step 4 — Apply the New Color Scheme

  1. Click the Color Presets... dropdown and select the newly imported color scheme from the list.
  2. The color scheme will be applied immediately to your terminal windows.


You have successfully changed iTerm2 color scheme. Enjoy a more personalized and visually appealing terminal experience!